Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Going once, Going Twice, SOLD!!!

Our Silent Auction at Vino at the Landing was held last night. I'm feeling like it was a pretty good success, even if at times things were down to the wire!

Pictures to come shortly.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On a side note…

I’m pretty sure fundraising should be considered a full time job, in not, then at least a part-time job!  :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

With a Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Give a Dog a Bone!

The weather is finally representing the correct time of year. So what else to do but get a good training walk in, as well as get some of Tiki’s overly anxious energy out! While she may not know it, she’s turned in to my walking partner! We took a great walk around Maple Valley, and accidently made a 3(+) mile route from our house, past Elk Run, past 4 Corners, and back. The heat felt great, although it started to get to Tiki in the last part as she slowed her pace a lot. All the more reason to get out more often with her! On a side note, we walked past a Mexican restaurant that was having some sort of mariachi band/horse competition... yes you read that right. Tiki was a bit sketchy when we walked by... and I’m not sure if it was from the parking lot packed full of horses, or from all the men in silver studded outfits and wide-brimmed sombreros!

Post-walk, we got a knock on our door from our neighbor who had in her hands a bone that she wanted to offer up to our dogs. Pretty funny site, to open the door and have the lady from next door holding the bone you’ll see below. They had bought it for their dogs, however I do believe the bone was the size of both their dogs put together. We’re not quite sure what kind of bone it is, but Kyle and I are content in assuming it is the femur from a T-Rex. Needless to say, Tiki adores the bone and gnaws at it any chance she can get. Roxie on the other hand may look like she’s staring with jealousy in the pic below, but I assure you she is quick to follow Tiki and “vacuum” up any and all scraps.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sea of Pink

Last year I realized my love of 5K’s, and this last weekend kicked off my participation in them again this year starting off with the Komen Race for the Cure (6/6). Last year’s Race for the Cure took place down at Qwest Field along the viaduct; this year’s however was at the Seattle Center and took us along a route on 2nd Ave which gave some great views of the market and the sound. Participating with me were a couple Sweet Melon team members (Rachel, Melanie, & Katie, as well as Katie’s husband Chris). The day started off with a 5:30am text from Rachel: “OMG… it’s raining hard.” Even with the rain, we still made our way to Seattle, raincoats in tow. While the weather could have been more on our side, we thoroughly enjoy the 5K and finished just a little soggier then when we started.

In addition to the race itself, this 5K also lent us some ideas for The 3 Day. Come the end of Sept. we want o make sure our Sweet Melons are well assecorized! :-)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

These Shoes Were Made For Walking…. And That’s Just What They’ll Do!

Happy to see some sunshine today. Maybe that means more outdoor training walks really are in my future! Fingers and toes are crossed! Tomorrow is the Puget Sound Race for the Cure 5K. I’m excited to be participating for the second year in a row. Should add to my inspiration for the 3 Day. :-)

Cakes, Cakes, and more Cakes… (5/29)

It’s hard to believe it but a year ago we were celebrating getting to meet our first nephew, Gavin! Since then we have had a blast as proud Auntie & Uncle and have been honored to see our nephew-godson grow and learn. Gavin’s parents threw him his first birthday party, and to help I made the only acceptable birthday dessert… Cakes, Cakes, and more Cakes! Included was a 1st Birthday Cake, Gavin's very own Smash Cake, and cupcakes. A mix of Milk Chocolate, French Vanilla, and Red Velevet cake all topped with Sara's mom's cream cheese frosting. Yummy!

"I have a tip that can take 5 strokes off anyone's golf game. It's called an eraser."

Arnold Palmer can be credited for the quote above. :-)

Played hooky from work a couple Fridays ago (5/21) in order to spend the day helping out with my mom at the 1st Annual First Tee Challenge Celebrity Gold Tournament at “The Glen” (Glen Acres Golf & Country Club). Thoroughly enjoyed helping out, and got some ideas for future fundraising. All of the golfers were lucky enough to get their rounds in before any major rain rolled through. And right fully so since we had almost every weather person from the Pac NW in attendance (Tracy Taylor – King 5, Walter Kelly – KCPQ 13, & Paul Deanno – Komo 4). Was able to sneak in a pic with “Big Play Babs” - Jordan Babineaux. Great way to wrap up the day!


Polish-ville & Magpie Armies (5/15-16)

Made an overnight trip to Lake Limerick, near Shelton with my mom to stay with my Aunt Bonnie & Uncle Budd. I should start by correcting the fact that while Lake Limerick is completely not connected to Poland and is in no way influenced by Polish, it actually has an Irish influence, for whatever reason I’ve always referred to it as Polish-ville with no good reason other then the funny writing on all the street signs.

Our trip down was to attend the Magpie Luncheon and Fashion Show. Yes, you heard me right…. Fashion Show. And if you are wondering what the Magpies are, they claim to be a group of ladies who focus on raising money for the Lake Limerick Inn, however I am pretty sure they may be an undercover army whose main purpose is to take over the world along with having weekly card nights! (I've been reassured the arym part is not true and they really do a great job of raising money.) My Aunt Bonnie is the treasurer, and if you’ve ever played cards with her you know she like to hold the money! :-)

It actually is a really good show of clothes pulled together from two different boutique shops in the area. What I found more entertaining though was the fact that some ladies found it to be appropriate to clang their glasses every time the room set up poorly for acoustics got to loud. As if clanging your glass wasn’t going to just make things louder. Ah, ladies!

Overall a great time as always, and a very relaxing quick trip. A couple pictures from the weekend…


Catching Up!

Some how the month of May was hard to get on here.... so I have a little catching up to do...